Join Jim Gifford, KM4MPF as Net Control and get in on the fun!

This Net is an open Net and is not affiliated with any club.  All properly licensed HAMs are welcomed and encouraged to join us!  We usually have between 60 and 70 check-ins, and our goal in 2021 is to grow that to 80+!

The Sunday Night Net, broadcast from Chattanooga, TN, generally follows the schedule below, but at times we do move things around to accommodate something.

The Net is held every Sunday evening beginning at 2000 (8pm eastern time).

73, Hear ya on the net! – Jim – KM4MPF

Sunday Night Net

Important Announcements

SouthEast Link / LMARC DMR TalkGroup 43389 Change!

2024/07/21 – We had to make a change to support moving forward with new equipment and software!  This means that you have to make a change in your code plugs where SouthEast Link TalkGroup 43389 and any N4LMC or W4PL DMR repeaters are concerned!

Change ANY reference that you have where TalkGroup 43389 is concerned to TimeSlot (TS) 1.  TS2 will no longer carry TG 43389.

Please make this change immediately to keep your access to TG43389 working!

SouthEast Link no longer participating in the Brandmeister Network

2024/03/08 – SouthEast Link will no longer carry or bridge to the Brandmeister network – SouthEast Link has decided to break ties with the Brandmeister network as of March 8th, 2024.  This decision was not made lightly, however after talking to many of our users as well as other bridging system owners/admins, we had to make the decision.  We were notified by Brandmeister admins that new rules state (sic) “We don’t allow any bridges to other dmr networks now”.  We were grandfathered to carry TGIF, but the new rules would have mandated that we drop all other DMR networks and not be able to add any new ones in the future.

SouthEast Link Systems, as well as most all other bridging systems, were created and designed to allow systems to “come together”.  Our ongoing mission is to bring systems together so that it benefits the HAM Radio community as a whole.  The new rules at Brandmeister are contrary to this mission.

You may still continue to connect with SouthEast Link via DMR utilizing the TGIF, DMR+ and QRM networks.  We will be adding more in the very near future now that we are no longer limited in what we can do.

We will be removing all references to our connection with the Brandmeister network on our website(s).  That may take some time though, so please be patient and if you have any questions, feel free to contact us here!

Thank You for your understanding and we hope that we continue to see you here!

We will be bridging to these networks VERY soon, now that we are no longer so restricted in what we can carry!  See some of our new DMR Links as they are activated below!

Looking for something specific?  Try the links below to go directly to that information!

About the Sunday Night Net | SNN Slow Scan TV | LMARC and SNN VE Testing

Please, when you check in:  Give us your call twice, at least once using standard phonetics!  Also let us know what mode or repeater you’re using.  If a repeater, please give us the frequency and location.

Don’t forget that you have many ways to connect with the Sunday Night Net! (other analog/digital repeaters, rooms, reflectors and/or talk groups may be linked in)

Analog Repeaters (local):

  • N4LMC 53.230 located on Lookout Mountain (NO offset, 146.2 tone)
  • N4LMC 144.920 located north of Signal Mountain (positive 2.5Mhz offset, DCS Code 073)
  • K4VCM 146.790 located on Signal Mountain (standard minus offset, no tone required)
  • N4LMC 224.120 located on White Oak Mountain in Ringgold, GA(standard minus offset, 146.2 tone)
  • N4LMC 224.560 located on Lookout Mountain (standard minus offset, 146.2 tone)
  • N4LMC 224.920 located on Signal Mountain(standard minus offset, 146.2 tone)
  • N4LMC 443.525 located on White Oak Mountain in Ringgold, GA (standard positive offset, 146.2 tone)

Analog Repeaters (NON-local):

  • K4SCO 146.900 located in Scottsboro, AL (standard minus offset, 123.0 tone)
  • KC4MHH 146.850 located in Gainesville, FL (standard minus offset, 123.0 tone)
  • KK4GGK 442.075 located in Dayton, TN (standard positive offset, 110.9 tone)
  • KO4NNC 224.180 located in Harriman, TN (standard positive offset, 123.0 tone)
  • N4BZJ 224.680 located in Dalton, GA (standard minus offset, 141.3 tone)
  • W4KEV 145.370 located in Knoxville, TN (standard minus offset, 100.0 tone)
  • W4KEV 145.410 located in Greenville, TN (standard minus offset, 127.3 tone)
  • W4KEV 147.195 located in Gatlinburg, TN (standard positive offset, 100.0 tone)
  • W4KEV 147.345 located in Crossville, TN (standard positive offset, 118.8 tone)
  • Many more, if you link in, let us know and we’ll add you here!

Digital Repeaters (local):

  • DMR – N4LMC 444.7125 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA – TS2, TG 43389
  • DMR – W4PL 444.150 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN – TS2, TG 43389
  • D-Star – N4LMC 145.160 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA – C module
  • D-Star – W4RRG 444.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN – B module
  • Wires-X – N4LMC 442.650 – located atop Lookout Mountain, GA (DN Only)
  • Wires-X – N4LMC 442.725 – located atop Signal Mountain, TN (DN Only)
  • Many more, if you link in, let us know and we’ll add you here!

Digital Repeaters (NON-local, may be many others connected.  Want to be listed, let us know!):

  • DMR W4DMM 440.625 – located in Lebanon, TN – TS2, TG 314722
  • DMR – W4DMM 440.700 – located on Short Mountain in TN – TS2, TG 314722
  • Wires-X – K4SCO 146.900 – located in Scottsboro, AL (DN Only)
  • Wires-X – KG4FZR 442.275 – located in Athens, TN (DN Only)
  • Wires-X – NQ4Y 145.410 – located atop Monteagle Mtn, TN (DN Only)
  • Wires-X – W4DRC 443.000 – located Dalton / Fort Mtn, GA (DN Only)
  • Wires-X – W4CMB 443.200 – located in Lavonia, GA (DN Only)
  • Many more, if you link in, let us know and we’ll add you here!

Digital Rooms, Reflectors and Talk Groups:

  • C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS002 Room 89 SouthEast Link (DN Only)
  • C4FM – FCS Reflector – FCS003 Room 89 SouthEast Link (DN Only)
  • C4FM – URF Reflector – URF923-D SouthEast Link (DN Only
  • C4FM – YSF Room – “US SOUTHEASTLINK” Room 43389 (DN Only)
  • D-Star – Universal Reflector (URF) XRF923-D SouthEast Link
  • D-Star – X Reflector XRF913-D SouthEast Link
  • DMR – AmComm Global DMR Network, Talkgroup 43389
  • DMR – QRM Network, Talkgroup SouthEast Link 43389
  • DMR – TGIF Network, TalkGroup SouthEast Link 43389
  • M17 – M17 Reflector M17-SEL SouthEast Link
  • NXDN – SouthEast Link NXDN Reflector 43389 (DN Only)
  • P25 – SouthEast Link P25 Reflector 43389
  • Wires-X Room – (digital only), Room # 43389 (DN Only)


  • SEL Node 510131 – SouthEast Link Bridge System
  • N4LMC Node 46530 – LMARC System (backup only please)

Amateur Wire:


  • *SELINK*, Node 387904 – Echolink Conference Server
  • N4LMC-L, Node 94680 (backup only please)

Ham Shack Hotline:

Hams Over IP:

Broadcastify: ( click here to go to linked page )

  • N4LMC 144.920 – Signal Mtn, TN
  • N4LMC 224.560 – Lookout Mtn, GA
  • K4VCM 146.790 – Chattanooga, TN

Use the Echolink Conference Server node *SELINK*, node # 387904, for the Sunday Night Net on the 146.790!

We want to thank W4EDP, N9ZEN, K4VCM and the LMARC for all the repeaters, rooms, reflectors, talk groups, Allstar nodes and the SELINK Echolink Conference server 387904.  Also, Thanks to KN9W for backing up net control, KC4CCL for all the Slow Scan TV images and AA4EZ for the Trivia.

We are always looking for someone to call Trivia.  If this is you, your spouse, child, grandchild… shoot me an email and we will get you signed up!

Be sure to check out Net Controls Facebook page!

We need your help when checking in: PLEASE, when you check in, help us help you!  We would really like the following:

  • Your call sign twice and phonetically using standard ITU phonetics
  • Your name and location so we can make sure we get the correct record
  • How you’re joining us, i.e., Fusion, DMR, or the 144.920 repeater

Remember, you’re on a heavily linked system! This means that:

  • You can’t quick key or tailgate.
  • You must key up… count to 2, then begin to talk.
  • When you’re finished, please do a 2 count before you unkey.

Net Schedule / Preamble

  • Welcome and Net Information
  • Call for Emergency Traffic
  • Call for General Announcements
  • Check-ins
    (1) Echolink Stations (2) Allstar (3) DMR (4) D-Star (5) Fusion/C4FM (6) P25/NXDN/M17 (7) Hamshack Hotline and HAMs Over IP (8) Local Chattanooga calls by Call Prefix: (A 1st, K 2nd, N 3rd & W 4th) (8) Late Check-Ins from anyone, anywhere.
  • Swap Shop (sell, trade, buy, etc – ONLY HAM Radio related items are allowed)
  • Technical Issues – questions/comments
  • Trivia Time (a favorite of everyone’s!)
  • Weather (local Chattanooga, TN)
  • Slow Scan TV
  • Last check for late Check-Ins, Announcement reminders
  • Net Wrap-Up

You can also listen in (listen only) on Broadcastify.  Don’t forget to follow along online using NetLogger, it’s free and is available for Mac, Linux and Windows (desktops/laptops only, no tablets/phones yet)!  Hop on and follow the logging, see who’s on… and who’s not, plus join in on the conversations taking place in the “Almost Instant Messenger” (AIM) window, lot’s of interesting conversations usually taking place.  Once you have NetLogger up and running, look for “SundayNightNet org”.

For more information or for answers to any questions, send us an email.

Check out our picture gallery, we’re putting new pictures up.  If you have pictures you want to share with us, please contact us at


Curious about Slow Scan TV?


We started in June of 2019, and will be sending a Slow Scan TV photo out via all the repeaters we are connected to.

If you ever wanted to know more about Slow Scan TV, now is your chance to get in on the fun and learn!  We play on 145.800 after the net.

It takes about 1 minute and 52 seconds to send a picture (of average size) around the world or around the block on most any radio using slow scan tv and it will be received as clearly as the picture to the left, or even better under good conditions.  Conditions and your setup can make huge differences in quality.  See the images that we’ve transmitted in our photo gallery.  If you are trying to answer a puzzle, send us an email at!

Current SSTV image is from the SNN net on 2024-09-29 – Answer to the last image sent (2024-09-22): Joan Rivers (9 correct, 0 incorrect, 0 No Call Sign)


Occasionally we will have a ‘bonus’ or additional picture that we send towards the end of the net, we will post it here as well as add it to the pic album.

Current SSTV BONUS image is from the SNN net on 2024-06-16




Want to see this in action, check out this video recorded live!  The actual picture transmission starts at about the 1:20 mark in the video.  Note, this is a large file and may take time to download/buffer and start, so be patient.

Problems watching or seeing the video?  Here is a direct link to the video on YouTube.

VE Testing


Want to test for your first license, or maybe you want to upgrade from Tech to General or even go all the way to Extra!

We’ve got you covered.  There are tests available in the area at most any given time.  While pre-registration isn’t required, it is definitely best to let us know ahead of time if you want to test and what you want to test for so that we can be sure to have the needed resources on hand to take care of you.


Please Note:

  • That if you choose not to contact in advance, there is no guarantee that the test will take place or that your particular needs can be met.
  • The FCC requires a FRN number!  You will not be able to test without one, no exceptions can be made.
  • The FCC requires a valid email address!  You will not be able to test without one, no exceptions can be made.
  • The fees collected go directly to the ARRL and the FCC.  The VE testing entity does not keep even 1 cent and even absorbs some costs!
  • The Tri-States ARC will pay the $5 fee for 17 and under age testers.  The ARRL reduces the fee, the club picks up the rest, test is no cost!
  • The Sunday Night VE Team will pay the $5 fee for 17 and under age testers.  The ARRL reduces the fee, the SNN picks up the rest, test is no cost!


  • 1st Thursday of each month: VE tests provided via ARRL provided by the Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club.  Information can be found at the CARC website about VE testing, please use the contact form to let them know you will be coming and what you will be testing for.
  • 2nd Thursday of each month (1)(2) (except December): VE tests via both ARRL and WCARS provided by the Tri-States ARC, information can be found at their website.  Please use the Contact Page here to let them know what you want to test for and when.  Someone will get back to you soon. – Effective April 11, 2024, VE testing will be administered electronically.  Due to this new process, pre-registration is highly recommended and preferred.  You can find the next test session and register online at:
  • 3rd Thursday of each month: VE tests provided via the ARRL by the Sequatchie ARC.  Please use this link to let them know what you want to test for and when.  Someone will get back to you soon.
  • Last Saturday of each month (2) (except December): VE tests provided via ARRL provided by the Sunday Night Net.  Please use the Contact Page here to let them know what you want to test for and when.  Someone will get back to you soon.
  • Quarterly (1)(2) – SCENIC CITY HAMS (W4SCF) – VE Testing Schedule for 2024 – Pre-Registration is Required!
    March 30, 2024 at 10am EDT
    June 29, 2024 at 10am EDT (last chance to test for Extra before the new pool takes effect)
    August 31, 2024 at 10am EDT
    November 30, 2024 at 10am EDT
  • Floating Schedule: The Chattooga Amateur Radio Club, in Summerville, GA, holds tests on an as needed schedule when they have enough testers to schedule a session.  Contact them here for more information and scheduling dates/times.


(1) When you test via the Tri-States Amateur Radio Club (TSARC) or Scenic City HAMs (SCH), all test fees are FREE!  You will still have to pay the FCC license fees if you are 18 or older, but nothing else regardless of age or test taken!

(2) If you are 17 years old or younger on the day you test, tests given by the Sunday Night Net team or the Tri-States Amateur Radio Club will be totally cost free to you!  The FCC will waive the $35 fee, the ARRL will waive $10 of the $15 fee and the Sunday Night Net team or the Tri-States Amateur Radio Club will pay the remaining $5, so your initial test or upgrade will be no cost!

If extreme difficulties exist that prohibit you from utilizing one of these sessions, such as permanent work schedules, etc, use the Contact Page here and give us as much information as possible.  We will attempt to help you in any way that we can.  This is provided on a case by case basis, and is only for hardships beyond a persons control.